1: Introductions & Ethics, Rhythms & Cycles, Moon Magick, The Wheel of the Year
2: Types of Witches, Traditional Ideas, Misinformation about Witches
3: Development of Your Spiritual Path, Personality Testing
4: The Magi, Astrology, Your Nativity
5: Numerology, Angel Numbers
6: Creating a Grimoire
7: Creating an Altar, Altar Items, Altar Tools
8: Developing Your Intuition, Your Daily Personal Ritual, Spiritual Protection
9: Spirit Guides, Invocation & Evocation
10: Self-Care & Self-Love, Boundaries, Forgiveness
11: Creating Life Balance, Spiritual Disciplines
12: Mindfulness, Candle Gazing, Labyrinths
13: Meditation, Affirmations, Intentions, Shift Your Paradigm
14: Chanting, Prayers, Mantras, Mudras, Mandalas
15: Casting the Circle, Calling the Quarters
16: Color Magick
17: Palmistry
18: Being an Empath, Tarot Cards, Oracle Decks
19: The Seven Major Chakras
20: The Transpersonal Chakras
21: The Journey of the Soul
Moon File
Banishing Knot Magick (Waning Moon)
Banishing Mirror Magick (Waning Moon)
Making & Using Moon Water
Manifesting Coins Magick (New Moon)
Manifesting Physical Healing Magick (New Moon)
Astrology Natal Details
Astrology House Details
Samhain Details, Crossroads Magick & WitchCraft Dryer Vent Pumpkins
Yule Details, Disconnection Magick & WitchCraft Yule Log Centerpiece
Imbolc Details, Psychic Vision Candle Magick & WitchCraft Make a Brigid’s Cross
Ostara Details, Egg Clearing Magick & WitchCraft Magickal Ostara Eggs
Beltane Details, Witch Jar Magick & WitchCraft Make a Maypole
Litha Details, Fairy Mindset Magick & WitchCraft Make Your Own Besom
Lammas Details, Honey Jar Magick & WitchCraft Make a Corn Dolly
Mabon Details, Herbal Home Magick & WitchCraft Make a Cloven Apple
1: Creating Your First Spell
2: Raising Your Vibration, Kundalini Energy
3: Stones, Crystals, Metals, Herbs, Essential Oils (Sacred Oil Blends)
4: Shadow Work, Correspondences
5: Dream Analysis & Dream Interpretation (Making a Dream Catcher)
6: Results of Your First Spell
7: Elemental Earth Magick, Dowsing with Pendulums & Rods (Make a Magickal Wand)
8: Elemental Air Magick, Divination using Mental Imagery (Make Your Own Incense)
9: Elemental Fire Magick, Fire Gazing & Smoke Readings (Magickal Candle Making)
10: Elemental Water Magick, Scrying (Magickal Salt Scrubs)
11: Gnosis & Gnosticism, Share Your Grimoire
12: The Pentagram as a Healing Symbol, The Hexagram, Amulets & Talismans
13: Messages from Nature, Sacred Geometry
14: Know Your Totem Animals, Animal Communication, Familiars
15: Crafting a Sigil, Sacred Stone Readings
16: The Bible Says What?!?
17: Goddess of the Scriptures
18: The Lost Books of the Bible
19: Jesus Between the Ages of 12 & 30
20: Time Travel, Teleportation & UFOs in Scriptures
21: Reincarnation in the Early Church, The Cosmic Priesthood of Melchizedek
Moon File
Banishing Knot Magick (Waning Moon)
Banishing Mirror Magick (Waning Moon)
Making & Using Moon Water
Manifesting Coins Magick (New Moon)
Manifesting Physical Healing Magick (New Moon)
Astrology Natal Details
Astrology House Details
Samhain Details, Crossroads Magick & WitchCraft Dryer Vent Pumpkins
Yule Details, Disconnection Magick & WitchCraft Yule Log Centerpiece
Imbolc Details, Psychic Vision Candle Magick & WitchCraft Make a Brigid’s Cross
Ostara Details, Egg Clearing Magick & WitchCraft Magickal Ostara Eggs
Beltane Details, Witch Jar Magick & WitchCraft Make a Maypole
Litha Details, Fairy Mindset Magick & WitchCraft Make Your Own Besom
Lammas Details, Honey Jar Magick & WitchCraft Make a Corn Dolly
Mabon Details, Herbal Home Magick & WitchCraft Make a Cloven Apple
1: Creating Your Second Spell
2: Nordic Spirituality & The Runes Part 1, Freya’s Aett, The Rune Poems, Galdr Rune Singing
3: Nordic Spirituality & The Runes Part 2, Hagal’s Aett, Norse Mythology, Seidr Journeying
4: Nordic Spirituality & The Runes Part 3, Tyr’s Aett, Spae Prophecy
5: Nordic Spirituality, Asatru, Create Your Bindrune
6: Results of Your Second Spell
7: Seeing Auras, Psychometry
8: Tasseography (Make a Sacred Tea Blend)
9: Weaving Magick & Knot Magick (The Witch Ladder)
10: Celtic Spirituality & the Ogham Part 1, Trees & Woods Part 1
11: Celtic Spirituality & the Ogham Part 2, Trees & Woods Part 2
12: Celtic Spirituality & the Ogham Part 3, Trees & Woods Part 3
13: Celtic Spirituality & the Ogham Part 4, Trees & Woods Part 4
14: Astral Projection & Remote Viewing
15: Past Lives & Akashic Records, Soul Loss & Soul Retrieval
16: The Paranormal
17: Italian & Slavic Witchcraft
18: Walk Ins & Channeling
19: Starseeds
20: The New Children
21: Automatic Writing & Light Language
Moon File
Banishing Knot Magick (Waning Moon)
Banishing Mirror Magick (Waning Moon)
Making & Using Moon Water
Manifesting Coins Magick (New Moon)
Manifesting Physical Healing Magick (New Moon)
Astrology Natal Details
Astrology House Details
Samhain Details, Crossroads Magick & WitchCraft Dryer Vent Pumpkins
Yule Details, Disconnection Magick & WitchCraft Yule Log Centerpiece
Imbolc Details, Psychic Vision Candle Magick & WitchCraft Make a Brigid’s Cross
Ostara Details, Egg Clearing Magick & WitchCraft Magickal Ostara Eggs
Beltane Details, Witch Jar Magick & WitchCraft Make a Maypole
Litha Details, Fairy Mindset Magick & WitchCraft Make Your Own Besom
Lammas Details, Honey Jar Magick & WitchCraft Make a Corn Dolly
Mabon Details, Herbal Home Magick & WitchCraft Make a Cloven Apple
1: Creating Your Third Spell
2: Feng Shui, Divination Using the I Ching
3: Shinto, Ukehi Ritual, Ikigai, Kintsugi, Inuit Spirituality
4: Gray & Black Magic, The Church of Satan, Left-Hand Path & Right-Hand Path
5: Mediumship, Ectoplasm, Spiritualist Beliefs
6: Results of Your Third Spell
7: Angels & Demons, Celestials & Elementals
8: Spirit Attachments & Unwanted Entities
9: Demonology & Exorcism
10: Affecting Regional Strongholds
11: Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism, Eckankar
12: Personalized Charm Casting Set
13: Your Sacred Name & Your Sigil
14: Australian Aboriginal Spirituality, Polynesian Beliefs
15: Folk Magick & Pow-Wows
16: Appalachian Mountain Magick
17: Native American Beliefs, Shapeshifting
18: Cross-Cultural Shamanism
19: Representational & Sympathetic Magick (Make a Poppet) (Poppet Magick)
20: Islam, The Quran, The Path of the Sufi, Zoroastrianism
21: Navigating the Levels of Ascension
Moon File
Banishing Knot Magick (Waning Moon)
Banishing Mirror Magick (Waning Moon)
Making & Using Moon Water
Manifesting Coins Magick (New Moon)
Manifesting Physical Healing Magick (New Moon)
Astrology Natal Details
Astrology House Details
Samhain Details, Crossroads Magick & WitchCraft Dryer Vent Pumpkins
Yule Details, Disconnection Magick & WitchCraft Yule Log Centerpiece
Imbolc Details, Psychic Vision Candle Magick & WitchCraft Make a Brigid’s Cross
Ostara Details, Egg Clearing Magick & WitchCraft Magickal Ostara Eggs
Beltane Details, Witch Jar Magick & WitchCraft Make a Maypole
Litha Details, Fairy Mindset Magick & WitchCraft Make Your Own Besom
Lammas Details, Honey Jar Magick & WitchCraft Make a Corn Dolly
Mabon Details, Herbal Home Magick & WitchCraft Make a Cloven Apple
1: Discussion of the Results of Regional Strongholds
2: Share Your Charm Casting Set
3: African Religions & Beliefs
4: Egyptian Beliefs
5: Sharing Our Favorite Music, Books, Podcasts, Websites, Shows, Etc.
6: UFOs, USOs, UAPs & The Hynek Scale of Encounters
7: Lunar Astrology, The Mansions of the Moon with Experimentation
8: Path Walking & Hedge Riding
9: The Four Powers of the Magus aka The Witches Pyramid
10: Mirrors as Portals, The Psychomanteum Experiment
11: Solar Magick, Making Offerings
12: Kitchen Witchery
13: The Communication of Trees, Results of The Psychomanteum Experiment
14: Hoodoo Folk Magick, Creating a Powerful Amulet for Change
15: Crafting Poetry, My 13 Word Poems, The Poem of You
16: Revisiting our Grimoires
17: Results of the Lunar Astrology Experimentation
18: Continuing Shadow Work
19: Alchemy
20: Blood Magick (Blood Magick)
21: Your Spiritual Pilgrimage or Retreat
Moon File
Banishing Knot Magick (Waning Moon)
Banishing Mirror Magick (Waning Moon)
Making & Using Moon Water
Manifesting Coins Magick (New Moon)
Manifesting Physical Healing Magick (New Moon)
Astrology Natal Details
Astrology House Details
Samhain Details, Crossroads Magick & WitchCraft Dryer Vent Pumpkins
Yule Details, Disconnection Magick & WitchCraft Yule Log Centerpiece
Imbolc Details, Psychic Vision Candle Magick & WitchCraft Make a Brigid’s Cross
Ostara Details, Egg Clearing Magick & WitchCraft Magickal Ostara Eggs
Beltane Details, Witch Jar Magick & WitchCraft Make a Maypole
Litha Details, Fairy Mindset Magick & WitchCraft Make Your Own Besom
Lammas Details, Honey Jar Magick & WitchCraft Make a Corn Dolly
Mabon Details, Herbal Home Magick & WitchCraft Make a Cloven Apple
1: Discussion of Personal Final Project & Final Class Project
2: Gematria, Results of Creating a Powerful Amulet for Change
3: Tantric Sex Magick, Zos Kia Cultus, Chaos Magick (Sex Magick)
4: The Books of Enoch
5: Dee & Kelley, Enochian Magick
6: Hermeticism, The Kyballion, The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn
7: Aleister Crowley & Thelema
8: The Lesser Key of Solomon & Grimoires on Demonology
9: Baphomet & The 72 Demons of the Ars Goetia
10: The Malleus Maleficarum
11: Discussion of Your Spiritual Pilgrimage or Retreat, Final Project Idea Submission
12: Mystickal Kabbalah 1 Jewish, Christian & Hermetic, The Sephirot
13: Mystickal Kabbalah 2 Theoretical, Practical & Meditative, The 5 Dimensions of the Soul
14: Esoteric Tarot Major Arcana 0 to 10
15: Esoteric Tarot Major Arcana 11 to 21
16: My Sacred Name, Bindrune, Sigil, My Guides, Deities, Familiars and More
17: Self Initiation Into the Coven of You
18: Sharing Our Final Projects Part 1
19: Sharing Our Final Projects Part 2
20: Sharing Our Self Initiations
21: What Does Our Future Hold?
Moon File
Banishing Knot Magick (Waning Moon)
Banishing Mirror Magick (Waning Moon)
Making & Using Moon Water
Manifesting Coins Magick (New Moon)
Manifesting Physical Healing Magick (New Moon)
Astrology Natal Details
Astrology House Details
Samhain Details, Crossroads Magick & WitchCraft Dryer Vent Pumpkins
Yule Details, Disconnection Magick & WitchCraft Yule Log Centerpiece
Imbolc Details, Psychic Vision Candle Magick & WitchCraft Make a Brigid’s Cross
Ostara Details, Egg Clearing Magick & WitchCraft Magickal Ostara Eggs
Beltane Details, Witch Jar Magick & WitchCraft Make a Maypole
Litha Details, Fairy Mindset Magick & WitchCraft Make Your Own Besom
Lammas Details, Honey Jar Magick & WitchCraft Make a Corn Dolly
Mabon Details, Herbal Home Magick & WitchCraft Make a Cloven Apple
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